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Umbrella Insurance


When it rains, it pours.

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What Is Umbrella Insurance?

The term “umbrella insurance” may sound a bit funny, but it is actually an incredibly important policy, especially if you are someone with a lot to lose or are in need of extra liability coverage. Umbrella insurance, also known as excess liability coverage, is designed to keep you and your valuables protected if ever you reach your auto and homeowner insurance liability limit. Your assets including college funds, retirement savings, and more could be at risk without having umbrella insurance to make sure it stays safe and secure form a serious lawsuit.

What It Covers

Why You Need Umbrella Insurance

If you are someone who could potentially face serious lawsuits, having the extra protection from umbrella insurance may be the best fit for you. Luckily with umbrella insurance, you don’t have to worry about making too much or too little income to sign up with it. Personal umbrella insurance is for everyone.

After working so hard to maintain your assets, don’t lose them to a lawsuit. Find the right umbrella insurance policy today.


Or call our Stone Mountain, GA office for immediate assistance. 404-537-5100

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